"She Went Quietly," by Charlie Winston
There's really not so much to tell.
She was 29 showing signs of doing well for herself.
She never spoke of feeling sad, is all so close with the family and friends she hides around her.
But she went quietly.
She didn't make a sound.
She went quietly with the wish not to be found.
She went quietly without a word of where.
Just a note that that wrote, "Forgetting is easier."
Years have fallen since the day she wrote the note and choose to float away into the ether.
Someone said they saw her south at the coast on the river's mouth -- but only briefly.
'Cause she went quietly.
She didn't make a sound.
She went quietly with the wish not to be found.
She went quietly without a word of where.
Just a note that wrote, "Forgetting is easier."
Hours of blue in the pouring rain to my doorstep, old and cold, today she came with her story.
I asked her in, but she declined.
Had just one single to get off her mind, and that was...
Sometimes I just want to disappear and not come back.
To escape the ghosts of loneliness and solitude that haunt me in my waking hours.
The responsibilities I don't want to face.
The questions I don't want to answer.
The truths I don't want to believe.
To leave them before they leave me.